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Change is supposed to be good.

So why are we so afraid of it?

Hi there!

My name is Christa Fornusek, and I am currently a Junior at the University of Michigan. I have a double major in Political Science and History, and I have a minor in Writing. As you've probably guessed, this website is my final project, or "extended experiment" as we like to call it, for my Writing Minor intro class. Thanks for joining me! 

How did I get here?

Great question! Politics has been my greatest field of interest for many years now, especially the Electoral College. I remember the first time I ever learned about it was in my English class during my freshman year of high school. I had to pick a topic from a list and write a research paper about it, and that was one of my options. I'd heard of the Electoral College, but I wasn't familiar with how it worked or its impact on American politics, so I decided to take the opportunity to educate myself. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I had just taken my first jump into a wormhole in which I've only fallen deeper. Flash forward several years and research papers later, I'm a college student who's just been given the chance to write about whatever I want in any genre I want for a whole semester. With all that freedom at my fingertips, it was only natural for me to choose a topic I'd all but become an expert on - the Electoral College!

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Nixon v. McGovern
Reagan v. Mondale
Obama v. McCain
Biden v. Trump

But Christa... 

Isn't that a lot of writing on the same subject? Aren't you tired of it?

Ah, yes. And herein lies the problem. I realized relatively quickly in this process that doing another bit of academic writing on this subject would just feel like beating a dead horse. But remember that unlimited freedom I mentioned earlier? I decided to put it to good use.


I let myself have a field day with this, granting myself the power to be the Supreme Commander of the world for a day. Well, not actually, but I decided to dig past the problems of the Electoral College to something much more fundamental - change.

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